About us


In the distant 1902, Russian businessman Erofei Alexandrin, planned the site and began construction of covered filling points near the Surovikino station.  In addition to building materials, threshers, winders, transporters with mechanized drives began to arrive by rail.


In 1905, Alexandrin concluded an agreement with the railway department on the transportation of 15 thousand pounds of marketable grain.


In 1912, retired Volynov, on the site of today's power grid office, laid a steam mill with a capacity of half a thousand pounds of flour per day.



In 1913, on the eve of the World War I, the construction of a wooden elevator with a capacity of 10 thousand pounds was completed.


In January 1918, a hundred revolutionary Cossack regiments landed at Surovikino station. During the 2.5 years of the civil war, Surovikino passed either to White army or Red army 18 times. During this time, the fields were overgrown with weeds: the elevator suffered from fragments of shells and bullets.

The elevator was not functioning. 


Only in 1930 did the Surovikinsky elevator gradually begin to be revived (equipment was restored, and grain sorting began).


The World War II has come. Most of the workers went to the front. In July 1942, during the retreat, the elevator was blown up along with bread which was stored in it.

In December 1942, immediately after the liberation of Surovikino from the invaders, they began to restore it.

In August 1943, the Surovikinsky elevator took the first bread. In 1946, the USSR Ministry of Agriculture was formed in the system of the all-Union government. In 1947, as a result of a number of enlargements, it was transformed into the USSR Ministry of Agriculture. In the same year, the Surovikinsky elevator was annexed to the Ministry of Procurement of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Volgograd Society Production Department of Bread Products Surovikinsky Elevator. In the first post-war year, the elevator is no longer able to accommodate all the bread, it was decided to build an elevator for 15 thousand tonnes.



In December 1949, it was commissioned, and new construction immediately began. In August 1955, the silo hull of the first stage of expansion of the elevator at the Surovikino station with a capacity of 5,000 tonnes was commissioned.


In 1965, the foundation was laid for the current 54 m elevator with a capacity of 150 thousand tonnes. After 3 years, the first 2 towers were commissioned. The most modern equipment was installed for mechanization.


In 1975, next to the elevator, the foundation was laid for a feed mill with a capacity of 400 tonnes per day.


In 1980, the feed mill was put into operation.


On June 20, 1984, a state act assigned 7 hectares of land to the Surovikinsky elevator.


On November 5, 1987, an elevator with a capacity of 57 thousand tonnes was commissioned on the basis of complex imported equipment at the station. Surovikino. 


On September 29, 1993, at the general meeting of the staff of the Surovikinsky elevator, the issue of approving the privatization plan and the draft Charter of Surovikinsky Elevator JSC were submitted.

The privatization plan was approved by the State Property Management Committee of the Volgograd Region on November 25, 1993.


From 1994 to 1995, shares of the Surovikinsky elevator were issued.


By the decree of the Administration of the Surovikinsky district of 15.07.1996, the Surovikinsky elevator was renamed Surovikinsky elevator OJSC .


On May 24, 2002, the charter of Surovikinsky Elevator OJSC was approved.